عن جينيتور
Guineatur هي شركة لإدارة الوجهات السياحية (DMC) مقرها في غينيا الاستوائية تأسست في عام 2012 بهدف استغلال الإمكانات السياحية المكشوفة للبلاد.
تؤمن غينياتور بالسياحة باعتبارها حجر الزاوية للتنمية المستدامة. وقد ساهم في تنفيذ نقاط المعلومات السياحية وحشد كل إمكاناته لفضح التفرد الثقافي والطبيعي والتذوقي والتاريخي لغينيا الاستوائية للعالم بأسره.
لماذا تختار جينياتور كما يو تي DMC
Paradisiacal islands and beaches with authentic experiences. Our packages are carefully chosen, and are distinguished in terms of class, atmosphere and service within their categories. The first and so far only DMC Affiliated to the UNWTO in Equatorial Guinea to offer travelers a safe and quality tourism.
Guineatur is committed to sustainable tourism, with the protection of ecosystems and its people. Our project Glamping which is soon to be launch to the general public focuses on a new, more ecological tourist alternative. No concrete or cement is used, natural and organic materials such as wood and its derivatives, straw, bamboo, cork, textile elements, among others, are chosen.
According to UNWTO, gender equality and women's empowerment are fundamental components of just, equitable societies. Tourism has been proven to provide pathways to empowerment, and that the opportunity for tourism to make a difference in this area should be maximized. The goal of Guineatur is to include more women in the tourism sector of Equatorial Guinea by employing and giving them more access to opportunities and growth.